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Friday, October 29, 2010

I recently began working at two very different centers for children with disabilities here in Lima. The first one is in La Molina, one of the most beautiful areas in Lima. The place is a dream. It is the nicest facilities I have ever seen. It is fully equipped with a heated indoor hydrotherapy pool, special rooms for ultrasound, electrical stimulation, a hydrocollator, and other very clean and very new equipment. The centre started out as a school and it is run by a group of nuns (see the La Alegria en el Senor on the right under "my favorite links"). 100 children attend each day from pre-kinder to grade 12. The students that attend have a wide range of diagnosis and are taught using the same curriculum as in the public schools. Those who can afford it pay for matriculation, therapies and the meals provided. Those who cannot pay are subsidized by scholarships.

Attached to the school is a therapy center where I have been working that is utilized by the students as well as the public. Each student has their own rehabilitation schedule and the therapist are organized and punctual. The environment is quiet and therapeutic while the children are polite and obedient. The adults treat the children with love and respect and in return the children treat each other with love and respect. This is something I have come to learn may seem obvious to most of us, but is not obvious to everyone, even some of those who have chosen rehabilitation as their career do not always treat patients with respect. Thankfully here, that is not the case.

I spend one day working on physiotherapy with the kids and one day doing occupational therapy. Like I said it is truly a dream place to work. I will try to post some photos soon!!